Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Beware, Mold Grows In Home Canned Food

If you like to can food out of your garden during the late summer and fall during the harvest season, you might be a little concerned about how best to keep mold and other microorganisms from contaminating your food. There are a number of different things that you can do to keep mold from growing in your newly canned food, but some of them might not be as obvious as you might think.

For example, paraffin was commonly used years ago to seal the tops of jars for jellies, jams, or preserves. This is no longer recommended, because mold is a common contaminant of these and it can send “threads” down through the paraffin and end up producing mycotoxins in the food. These soft spreads should be canned as you would anything else.

Food should also be stored properly and at temperatures under about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Organisms such as mold and bacteria can grow in higher temperatures and foods canned at home that are exposed to high temperatures can get quite hot inside and the air in the top of the jar will expand and break open the seal. The mold or bacteria will get inside the food and bam -- a jar is wasted. All canned foods should be dated and used within one year.

Before you put any food into your jars, they should be thoroughly sterilized first. This is done by filling the jars and the canner up to about 1 inch over the top of the jars with hot water. These should then be boiled for around 10 minutes and for every 1,000 feet over 1,000 feet in altitude, add an extra minute. Remove the jars from the water and drain their contents back into the canner to use for processing the foods, since this water is already sterile. Put the food into the jars, add the lids, and tighten on the screw bands. Some foods are said not to need pre-sterilized jars, but it is better to be safe than sorry, right?

Any food you are going to can should be of good quality, peeled, and thoroughly washed beforehand. Attempting to can any food that is questionable will only result in wasted time and effort.

Food should also not be packed tightly in the jars. Allow some air space between the food and the jar’s lid.

Jars must also not be left in the canner after they are finished processing. As the jars cool off, they can suck in water from the pot and this may contain any number of different spores or microbes. Allow the jars to cool naturally somewhere at room temperature where they will not be bothered.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
South Carolina Water Damage Restoration and and other states such as
Chicago Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Know What To Throw Away When You Find Mold On Your Food

Everyone has had that battle with themselves while looking around in the refrigerator for something to eat: it has mold on it… do you eat it? Well, depending on just what kind of food “it” is, it might be salvageable and it might not be.

No matter what we put in the refrigerator, if it gets left in there long enough, mold will eventually start to grow on it. Jams, jellies, preserves, leftovers, it does not typically matter what it is. Most of us like good food and unfortunately, mold usually has the same tastes that we do and invades our refrigerators on a daily basis, ruining the meal of leftovers we thought we were going to have after work.

Improperly home canned foods are at risk for mold growth. Fruits and vegetables must always be washed carefully and inspected for quality before canning and not only that, but the jars and other equipment that is used must also be sterilized, usually by boiling them in water.

So, what do you do what that item in the fridge that has mold on it? There are not a whole lot of things that can be saved once it is contaminated with mold. But, dense items like hard salami or dry-cured country hams can be saved because these items have a pretty stable shelf life and it is common for them to have surface mold. Simply scrub it off.

Anything with a high moisture content or a soft texture, however, needs to be thrown away once mold starts to grow on it. This can include leftover casseroles, lunch meat, hot dogs, and bacon in the meat category and soft cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, and even cheeses made with mold should be thrown away. It may sound odd to throw away a block of cheese contaminated with mold if the cheese was made with mold to begin with, but it is likely that the new mold growing on your cheese was not part of the manufacturing process and this can be dangerous.

Baked goods like bread should also be thrown away because they are porous and may be contaminated below the surface.

Jams, jellies, preserves, and marmalades found to be contaminated with mold needs to be thrown away because they have a high moisture content and are soft enough for the mold to infect the entire jar.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.
http://www.localrestoration.com and

What To Do When Your Fridge Has Been Invaded By Mold

Unfortunately, finding mold growing in our refrigerator is something that everyone has to deal with at some point or another, whether you are single, married, or especially if you have children. People who tend to lead fully scheduled lives from day to day typically do not have time to keep a check on the items in their refrigerator to make sure mold does not start to grow, but time should be made at the very least twice a year to clean out the refrigerator of old inventory. Those with more time to clean out their refrigerators should do so more often.

Take an inventory of what is in your refrigerator and what the date is. Anything that is sorely outdated, showing signs of mold contamination, or smelling foul should be thrown away. These items will not take long to contaminate the food that is next to it, such as potatoes from the garden that are put in the same container. One bad potato will spoil the rest fairly quickly if it is not removed and the potatoes touching it washed immediately afterward.

Fruits and vegetables that are brought home from the grocery store should be removed from their plastic sacks that we use at the store to collect them with. These bags will trap moisture inside and cause the fruit to begin to break down, inviting mold to start growing.

Clean out your refrigerator as often as possible, especially if you tend to have a lot of spills in it. If you thaw meat out in the refrigerator, you need to make sure it is thawed out in a pan of some kind to prevent the blood or other juices from getting all over your shelves. Raw poultry is notorious for causing salmonella poisoning, so it is important that you get anything the poultry touched while it was thawing in the refrigerator cleaned after you take it out.

Wash the insides of the refrigerator with antibacterial cleaners and bleach, if you must. Bleach should not be mixed with other household chemicals, however, especially those that contain ammonia. This can cause hazardous fumes to build up in your kitchen and can do you serious damage if you breathe enough in.

While you have everything out of the fridge, take the time to go through the items in it again and toss out anything questionable. Check any home-canned goods that you might have and make sure the seals are not broken on them. Throw out anything the seal is broken on, unless you broke the seal yourself not long ago.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Mold and Aflatoxins

Some people are aware that different kinds of mold produce what are called mycotoxins, but some of these (particularly Aspergillus flavus) can produce some very lethal toxins that are called aflatoxins. These are some very potent mycotoxins and even when they are consumed in minute amounts, they can cause some serious disease. They have been known to cause either chronic or acute liver cancer or liver disease.

Birds are particularly sensitive to Aflatoxins and many pets can become diseased and die if they come into contact with molds that produce these toxins. Its toxicity to the liver can also bring about many different liver diseases including cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, and hepatic fibrosis. These are also known to cause a number of different kinds of cancer and blood disorders. Small arteries that are affected become blocked due to the presence of clots.

Unfortunately, once a fungus grows on food and produces an aflatoxin, the concern is that this toxin is on the item for good. No amount of freezing or cooking can destroy it and they will stay on the food in definitely.

Aflaatoxins also grow mainly on different grains and legumes like peanuts. Peanuts often have alfatoxins present upon them and while the peanuts that are intended for consumption by people are tested for these toxins, there is no law stating that they must be tested for consumption by animals. Aflatoxins usually grow most effectively while the item is in storage, so in order to limit the growth of fungi that causes these toxins, these items must be stored correctly. Aflatoxins are also known to grow in items like pecans, walnuts, corn, or even sometimes milk.

Any pets that you have that have any pre-existing liver conditions should not be fed items that are common to contain aflatoxins, such as whole grains, nuts, and foods that are not approved for human consumption. There are a lot of commercial foods developed for pets and these will almost always contain some level of aflatoxins, but the body can usually detoxify a small amount of these. If the food you are feeding your pet contains a higher level of aflatoxins and you continue feeding it this food over a long period of time, some significant health complications can occur.

If you have pets, especially birds, be attentive to what you feed them. Birds should be fed fresh seeds or grains whenever you can and try to limit your bird’s commercial diet to no more than around 10 to 20 percent.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Easy Ways To Maintain A Smoke Free Fireplace

Quite a few homes have fireplaces, but not all of them are fit to be used as they are because they have not been cleaned in so long that when you do try to use them, it fills the house with smoke. This can do a lot of damage to the inside of the home, including ruin the paint on your walls, your curtains, and discolor your carpet. It is also a health risk, since breathing this in is not good for anyone, but the elderly, people with allergies, pets, and children are especially affected. Fortunately, though, in most situations you can make a fire that will not smoke up your house without much trouble as long as you follow a few rules.

The damper of your chimney needs to be open before you do anything. Burn some paper or other easily combustible materials in the fireplace, because you want to warm the chimney up. Cold air in the chimney is will push the warm air down and cause the smoke to fill up the room.

Open up the windows in the house and make sure that there is enough air circulating to ignite the fire. A home that is insulated well might not have enough of a draft to allow the wood to catch on fire.

You should also have some fireplace bricks underneath the grill to add some more air circulation to the process. More draft in the fireplace will make it easier for the fire to ignite.

The top of the fireplace also needs to be cleaned out regularly, since anything that gets stuck in it like leaves, sticks, bird nests can keep the smoke from being able to escape and so it floods back into the house, which is exactly where you do not want it.

You should also have the fireplace cleaned by a professional cleaning service if possible, since a layer of creosote is likely built up on the inside of the chimney. This is a tar-like substance that results from burning wood in the fireplace and if your chimney has not been professionally cleaned before and you have lived in your house for many years, then it is time for it to be. Creosote can catch on fire and cause the whole house to burn down, so having it cleaned out is essential.

To keep your fireplace functioning the way that it should, you need to know how to use it and take care of it and by the time winter gets to you, you will be able to enjoy your fireplace once again.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut Mold Remediation services and
flood and water damage cleanup companies across the united states.